by Blake Bowman | Dec 20, 2014 | Corrective Exercise
Do you have tight and painful IT band? Well the IT band, aka the iliotibial tract, is pretty infamous in the corrective exercise world. This band of connective tissue runs down the side of your leg and basically connects the hip and the knee. Watch this video on how...
by Blake Bowman | Nov 25, 2014 | Corrective Exercise
Lower back pain effects millions of people every year. There are a variety of causes that I have addressed already in some of my videos. Today, I will be going over another cause and that is a dysfunctional muscle called the quadratus lumborum If you find your self...
by Blake Bowman | Nov 17, 2014 | Corrective Exercise
Do these exercises prior to doing squats. Mobilize those hips and ankles!
by Blake Bowman | Nov 17, 2014 | Corrective Exercise
A tight rectus femoris can cause a lot of different adverse conditions. Everything from knee pain to hip may be caused by a tight rectus femoris. Learn how to fix it below:
by Blake Bowman | Oct 9, 2014 | Corrective Exercise
Today I am going to show you how to use that foam roller that you’ve got. If you are looking to pick up your own foam roller then be sure to check out our products page. See ya next time!
by Blake Bowman | Sep 26, 2014 | Corrective Exercise
In this video, I teach you several strengthening techniques to fix winging scapula. Remember to always consult your physician prior to trying any of the exercises on my channel. If you have not done it yet, make sure to check out my new products page. I pretty much...