by Blake Bowman | May 14, 2015 | Corrective Exercise |
Here is the absolute best way to correct sway back posture Not only does sway back posture look REALLY bad, but it is also a position that will eventually lead to injury. In the video below you are going to learn: What sway back is The ramifications of having it What...
by Blake Bowman | Apr 27, 2015 | Corrective Exercise
Have stiff ankles? Try out these mobilizations to restore your range of motion!
by Blake Bowman | Apr 27, 2015 | Corrective Exercise
Do this after mobilizing your ankles.: In the video below I will show you several ankle mobilizations that will help you restore range of motion and USE IT:
by Blake Bowman | Apr 27, 2015 | Corrective Exercise
Here are some of my best hip mobilizations:
by Blake Bowman | Apr 27, 2015 | Corrective Exercise
What’s your optimal squat stance? In the video below I will teach you how to find your optimal squat stance by using your hip structure:
by Blake Bowman | Mar 25, 2015 | Biohacking, Corrective Exercise
Are you standing properly? Whether you have a standing desk or just simply find yourself waiting in line at starbucks, your standing position and posture can greatly effect your body. Make sure you are doing it the right way and watch the video below:...