by Blake Bowman | Feb 12, 2016 | Corrective Exercise, Good Posture |
Pain in your shoulder blade? It might be your teres minor and/or infraspinatus! Tension or tightness you might feel at the area right on top of your shoulder blade is often the result of internally rotated shoulders or “computer posture”. This exercise will target and...
by Blake Bowman | Feb 4, 2016 | Corrective Exercise |
Stretch up your hips and activate your glutes! When you sit down too much the muscles responsible for stretching or flexing your hips gradually shorten, which also results in weak or inactive glutes. This is a quick and easy exercise that’ll help you stretch your hips...
by Blake Bowman | Feb 4, 2016 | Corrective Exercise, Good Posture |
A few new ideas to help correct bad shoulder posture Having bad shoulder posture is when your shoulders tend to have a forward position or rotate internally, and when this happens, you become more susceptible to muscle pains and injuries. You can avoid all those...
by Blake Bowman | Jan 25, 2016 | Corrective Exercise |
These are the worst possible exercises you can do if you have shoulder impingement! When you have shoulder impingement you have to watch out for exercises that further pinch or flare up your shoulder muscles. Next time you head to the gym, remember the exercises in...
by Blake Bowman | Jan 20, 2016 | Corrective Exercise |
Including a test to help determine how good your internal hip rotation is! Before you do any exercises to try and improve your internal hip rotation, try out the “W sit” I demonstrate in this video to first test it. A warning though for those with knee problems: do...
by Blake Bowman | Jan 18, 2016 | Corrective Exercise, Good Posture |
Exercises that may help with any ache or pain in between your shoulder blades Pain or achiness in between the shoulder blades is often caused by an overstretching of the said shoulder blades due to a bad posture or rounded shoulders. Additionally if you have Upper...