GuerrillaZen Reviews – Real Stories from Happy Customers

Why Customers Love GuerrillaZen – Genuine Testimonials

Looking for real GuerrillaZen reviews? Our customers share their incredible success stories and experiences after using our health and fitness programs. See how GuerrillaZen has helped thousands improve mobility, posture, and overall well-being.

I am a corrective exercise coach. I help my clients to improve their posture, their mobility, their flexibility, their muscle imbalances, their movement pattern compensations, their posture, and I help them improve their holistic wellness.

Blake has a very comprehensive alignment protocol he personalizes for each client’s issues. From day one, I could walk straighter and sleep better. He has been the only one who was able to figure out and eliminate my arm pain/numbness. If you are exercising regularly, but feel tightness, imbalances or pain that never seem to go away, Blake can help you figure out what is going on and show you how to fix it! I am so thankful for the awareness and knowledge I have gained from Blake’s help!

Bridget Olson

Blake knows what he is doing and I am having great results since i started working with him 3 months ago. I have a long term injury resulting in painful compensations and weakness. My strength has improved in the weak areas and the pain and soreness has decreased by 75% in a short amount of time. I have worked with other trainers, 3 other physical therapists and nobody has been able to help me until I started working with Blake . Thank you Blake !

Christin Cleaver

Came to Blake 2 months ago with shoulder and back pains.. He put me on a 4 month program which I am half-way through. Pains?? ALL GONE. Blake knows EXACTLY what he’s talking about. The program is worth every penny and 20x more value than going to a chiropractor every week.
Can’t wait to see what happens in my total body transformation after the program is over! Thanks Blake!!
Dean Ozen

Blake is amazing. Following him on IG for years, I noticed how uniquely intelligent his approach is and finally pulled the trigger. It was already a goal for 2020, and in these days and times, immunity is more important than ever. In just a month, the corrective exercises have completely transformed my body. Both my posture and strength have dramatically improved. He is changing my life by giving me the tools to bring myself back into alignment. I was further impressed to find that he incorporates meditation into the sessions, as I learned just a few years ago that being without it in life is like misplacing the key. He is an incredible resource, and has given me more viable information than any doctor, chiropractor, or physical therapist that has ever attempted to assist me in the past. When someone is passionate, they delve into the deepest facets of their subject, and that’s him. He is truly living out his purpose in helping to change the lives of others. I couldn’t be more grateful. Love this guy

Laura Puglia

Hands down the best fitness program I’ve ever used.
I grabbed this program a while back and procrastinated starting it.
I never told Blake Bowman I started it back up a month ago lol.
I’m on the last week of phase 1 right now, and in less than a month all the pains I had in my body that were making me feel like an old man 👴🏼 (I’m 28) were gone!
My jiujitsu practice has transformed. I no longer get tired while training or feel beat up afterwards.
I’m feeling stronger, energized, and more mentally clear than ever.
If you’re thinking about getting this program, go get it now!
Victor Pierantoni

This guy is the real deal and he honestly puts to shame channels with 10x the amount of views. Forever grateful!! What a great person he is for sharing knowledge on YouTube. Thank you, GuerrillaZen!

Brian Kim

I struggled for over 10 years with back pain. Multiple physical therapy rounds, medications, chiropractors, and muscle spasms later I dug deeper. Blake’s videos and information about anterior pelvic tilt really taught me what was at the core of my pain. I highly recommend his videos for any area if you are battling some pain or stiffness. My muscular imbalances are now being addressed and I feel better already. I have started strength training and I can feel the difference and more balance in my body.
Tiara Blackwood

I have APT and a hip discrepancy, (LPT) I’ve struggled thru my workouts for years and knew I had a leg discrepancy, I believe that playing softball for 26 years contributed to it. I went to a Chiropractor for years with no relief. I’m currently having pain in the right of my sacrum, and in my feet. I’ve been to my general doctor, and went to a Podiatrist, which hasn’t helped. I realized, I needed to get to the root of my problem, so I started to research and stumbled across GuerrillaZen Fitness, and now, everything is making since. I am currently following the stretching, and strengthening for the APT and the LPT, and I’m so happy that I’m finally getting the information that I needed to help me correct my imbalances.

Suzette Cheri Clay

Blake Bowman is an excellent trainer. He tailors the workouts to your specific goals and needs. Whether you are recovering from an injury, looking to loose weight or gain muscle and flexibility, he can help. Blake is on the cutting edge of physical therapy and has been extremely helpful in helping me recover from a spinal cord injury.
Amy Galsterer

I’ve worked out with Blake Bowman off & on for about 3 1/2 years now. I thought he liked me & has always been nice, but I’m now convinced that he’s trying to kill me with these new hip exercises, using my fancy hip circle. (He is a great trainer though if you’re looking for someone to work out with. Seriously, call him @ GuerillaZen Fitness)!

Carrie Marchand

GuerrillaZen Success Stories Before & After Transformations

"My WHOLE body feels incredible…"
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"I’m surprised at how much happened so fast…"
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"Ohh MY GOSH…look at my neck…."
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"I’m feelin’ really good…I don’t have any problems at work anymore…"
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"What we did here was amazing!"
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"It’s a big difference…this is year and years and years of locking it up"
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"I'd recommend Blake's program to anyone that has imbalances"
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"Within a week, even maybe within severaldays, I've been feelinga whole lot better"
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"Here we are about 2 months later & I feelpretty good!"
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"A complete 180...I feel so much better mentallyand physically"
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"I was pleasantly surprised to find out how quickly it worked"
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"He's just a wealth of knowledge"
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"My hips have not felt as mobile and loose as they do now since I was in my twenties!"
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"I have progressed quicker and better than any other program I've done at all!
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"Already my shoulders have improvedsignificantly"
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"I can whole heartedly say that Blake goesabove and beyond forhis clients"
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(5) Spots Available For 1-On-1 Coaching


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Meet Your Coach

I’ve been coaching people for over 15 years of the time of writing this(got my start in 2009). I’ve overcome many of my own chronic joint issues, muscle imbalances, movement compensations, mobility issues, and lifestyle challenges and genuinely enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others do the same which is why I’ve been coaching for so long!

Through the year’s I’ve had multiple certifications and course work done through National Academy of Sports Medicine, CHEK Institute, Functional Range Conditioning, and many more…

I eat, live, breath, and do EXACTLY what I preach to my clients!

Meet Your Coach

Blake Bowman

Founder, GuerillaZen

I’ve been coaching people for over 15 years of the time of writing this(got my start in 2009). I’ve overcome many of my own chronic joint issues, muscle imbalances, movement compensations, mobility issues, and lifestyle challenges and genuinely enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others do the same which is why I’ve been coaching for so long!

Through the year’s I’ve had multiple certifications and course work done through National Academy of Sports Medicine, CHEK Institute, Functional Range Conditioning, and many more…

I eat, live, breath, and do EXACTLY what I preach to my clients!

Frequently Asked Questions

I've already tried massage, chiro, pt, and a million other things. How is this different?

Blake assigns corrective exercises and holistic health protocols that he knows 100% his clients will benefit from by starting with a comprehensive 1-on-1 assessment. In this way, all exercises and protocols are laser specific to each client he works with. With programming specifically designed for the unique needs of your body he is able to help you address the root cause.


Unfortunately, this customized approach is not used by everyone. Many professionals have all of their clients do the exact same thing and don’t start with an assessment (which is absolutely crucial).


The result of this cookie cutter approach is often low quality results…

How exactly does the assessment work?

If you decide to get an assessment after speaking with the GZF team then what comes next is a simple 3 step process. You will fill out Blake’s Lifestyle analysis form, send postural photos, and then get on a 2.5 hour Zoom call with Blake so he can assess your biomechanics (the way your joints move).


All of your results of the assessment will be reviewed with you on that Zoom call at the end.

How can Blake assess me online? Doesn't he need to be with me in person?

Blake’s assessment techniques and education all come from doing visual analysis. There’s no way what so ever he is limited by assessing you online because he just needs to be able to see you and how your body moves. In fact, he prefers this because he can review your assessment results easier by uploading your posture into some software as he’s reviewing your results with you so you can both look at your body together.

(5) Spots Available For 1-On-1 Coaching


Click here to learn more

PS – If you’re anything like me, you just skipped to the end anyways. So here’s the scoop – I’m a coach who helps my clients correct their muscle imbalances, posture, and bio-mechanics with customized corrective exercises and 1-on-1 support. I also help my clients optimize their entire lifestyles with holistic health protocols that synergize with the corrective exercises I supply.

My intention is to help you fix yourself by addressing the root cause. I’ll teach you how to become self reliant so you can do basic maintenance on your own body.

(5) Spots Available For 1-On-1 Coaching


Click here to learn more

*LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. Factors such as adherence to the program, commitment, and lifestyle all influence client outcomes. The testimonial videos, before-and-after images, and written reviews on this page are voluntarily provided by real clients who have used the coaching services of GuerrillaZen Fitness LLC. They reflect individual client outcomes and are not claims or guarantees. Testimonial videos and images were captured in person, via Zoom conversation, or client submission. The written reviews are screenshots from the GuerrillaZen Fitness Facebook Page. Pricing for coaching services is customized based on individual client needs and will be provided in a personalized proposal after an initial consultation call.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional, and the services provided by GuerrillaZen Fitness LLC do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. My coaching is focused on improving posture, joint mobility, flexibility, movement pattern compensations, muscle imbalances, and overall wellness and lifestyle. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program or making changes to your health regimen.

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